Wednesday, July 27, 2011

EPL - How I See It

I came across this article and feel to share it with EPL my readers. I believe every lover will enjoy it.

"So the Chairman of Chelsea has all the money that is supporting the club, he can get any world class player to his club in the twinkle of a dime and the best coach without any hesitation. I wonder why then should he control the decision the best coach makes? I guess he has the money but he still lacks the faith in his choices.

The club owners of Arsenal are business minded people, they look at their balance sheet and see the dollars and smile. They want to stay in the comfortable zone and are risk averters. These guys sacrifice the pleasure of the fans for the positive bank balances that is why they always play second fiddle in the league; they do not have the tenacity to go all the way. It is unfortunately not clear to them that if they starve their fans it will soon show on their balance sheet.

I just do not know what is wrong with Liverpool, they seem to have problems with team spirit or they had the wrong coach at the onset of the season. It seems though that they are coming back on track. For a team that had taken it to the wire with Manchester United a few seasons ago and almost facing relegation at one point, the inconsistency is appalling.

As for Manchester City it is falling in the trap of Real Madrid, bringing all the stars and expecting instant results. There is a lack of junior development and it has affected the progress in their team. The belief in instant results has resulted in a state of urgency all the time at the club, ever heard off a patient build up?

So when the top teams are faced with such challenges before they even get on the pitch, I believe they are already behind, with an own goal. This becomes apparent when they face a well drilled Manchester United team that has a coach who has full control of his team without outside influence from the rich owners. Sir Alex Ferguson knows how to deliver for the team to be on the right path. Sir Alex believes in grooming youngsters as well to take up positions in the first team and there is a great spirit of teamwork and a culture of work. He has brought in a never say die approach, well displayed in the 1999 treble win.

So as a Manchester United fan, I would like to say thank you to all the teams in the English Premier League, because as I see it, they are hailing us to the pole position, they are our biggest support system because of their flaws. This season it has been very open considering that as Manchester we have not played our "A" game.

Article Source:"

I hope you found the article interesting.

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