Every football player needs to develop through various stages. In all these stages, each player needs proper coaching. Having the usual basic skill is not just enough for a player especially in the English Premier League, he requires proper and constant training to be in his best form so as to compete favourably in the world of soccer. Basically, there are 5 levels of training for players at the most basic level. These include: ball mastery, receiving and passing tactics, moves and scoring, speed and team work.
Ball Mastery: A player needs to be trained on how to handle the ball while playing a match. The coaches at this level must teach the players this if he wants them to get the ball handle it well and score goals.
Receiving and Ball Passing Tactics: Receiving and passing balls is an important part of the game. The coach should ensure he trains his players on this. Any team that has players who recieve ball an make accurate passes will certainly dominate the match. When this happens, what do you expect? Goals!
Moves and Scoring: Players need to make calculated moves when they have the ball. It is the duty of the coach to see that his players have the best strategy to retain the ball among themselves while moving towards the goal post. No matter how good a team plays, if they do not move towards the post, they cannot score. When a player is with the ball close to the post, the next thing is to try and score. Coaches must train players to stay calm and focused during the few seconds they intend to score.
Speed: This is another important aspect of the game. When a team masters the first 3 points, they need to move fast. If the ball moves with spead to the opponent’s goal post, it means the players understand one another and are passing the ball well.
Teamwork: Many teams have very skilled players but still fail to do very well in the field of play. If there is no teamwork, a team can still go ahead and lose a game irrespective of how talented the players are. Coaches need to train players on how to work together. Both the players and the coaching staff must be on the same page to ensure success.
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